St. Edward’s is invested in your success, fully.

我们致力于培养学生成为批判性思考者和创新问题解决者,并对世界变得更美好充满热情. 我们对您成功的承诺以强大的支持计划为后盾,帮助您发挥最大潜力,朝着梦想前进.

从成功教练和教授导师到学术咨询和辅导,再到职业准备服务,在山顶上为你提供个性化的支持和资源,增强你的学术经验,为你按照自己的方式取得成功铺平道路. 以下是你将得到的支持的概述-从你第一天在St. Edward’s to graduation. Follow the links to learn more.

Kia Baeza ’20, Biology/Pre-Health Professions

Success Coaches

Your personal success coach 与您一起选择课程,并将您与鼓舞人心的教授联系起来. 他们会帮助你确定与你的激情相一致的课外活动, 找到合适的专业或研究生项目,为你的大学生涯制定一个计划.

Student receiving instruction

Academic Support

Academic support services, 例如同伴辅导和补充指导,以及来自 Writing CenterMath Lab and Munday Library — keep you on track to succeed in your classes.

Meagan Biscamp ’19, Social Work

Career and Professional Development

Your career coach helps you create your résumé, cover letter and LinkedIn profile; find an internship or job; strengthen your interview skills and tap into valuable networking opportunities. 它们还可以帮助你为毕业后的机会做准备,比如研究生院, law school and medical school. 作为hilltop会员,你将获得终身职业服务.

Karlee Bradley ’20, Mathematics

Study Abroad

你会注意到Hilltoppers最棒的一点是,我们是一个具有全球意识的社区,我们培养了对世界更深入的理解. 我们知道,体验其他文化可以丰富我们的生活, 促进我们的发展,增强我们的能力,为一个更美好的世界做出贡献. 出国留学是一个改变人生的机会,提供了这些回报.      

Lauren Fogt ’19, Kinesiology, Pre-Physical Therapy

International Student Services

我们的国际校园社区汇集了不同的文化和观点. Classes, 学生的生活活动和服务机会鼓励独立思考和全球意识. 

CAMP Personal Counselor

Student Disability Services

有残疾证明的学生与学生残疾服务中心合作,提供学术住宿, 推荐服务和指导,确保平等获得充实的大学经历. 

College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

As first-generation migrant students, our CAMP Hilltoppers receive financial, academic and moral support throughout their time at St. Edward's. CAMP is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. St. Edward’s has the longest-running CAMP program in the U.S. 这也是我们致力于学生成功的另一种方式.

“与成功教练一起工作的一个好处是,你总有人可以依靠, whether it be for personal or academic advice. They really care about you.”  

Kimberly Mireles ’23 Business Administration major

FAQ for Parents and Families

Help your student achieve success at St. 爱德华的网站上有签到和重要日期和截止日期的提醒.

How St. Edward’s Prepares You for Success

Explore how our four building blocks for college success prepare students to create their future, purposefully.